Here's an
intriguing question for you: In a room 20 feet by 20 feet with a ten
foot ceiling, how many matches would you have to light for the air in
that room to have the same percentage of carbon dioxide as is emitted
into the atmosphere annually by all the automobiles (about 800
million) in the world ? The answer is provided by Ivar Giaever, a
Nobel laureate in physics, who says the calculation is relatively
simple. The answer is one match. Incredible, isn't it? The
number of vehicles is huge. But the atmosphere is so vastly larger
that mankind's carbon dioxide emissions are trivial to our survival
or that of the planet. Of course, if people understood that, they
wouldn't support regulating fossil fuels to prevent global warming.
Ergo, the need for global warming alarmism.
The alarmism
got a big push in June 1988 when James Hansen, of NASA's Goddard
Institute, testified before a senate committee that he was “99
percent” sure that global warming was already underway. He was a
very small minority in the scientific community, but that's
not the impression the media gave. The same media that scarcely a
decade earlier were publicizing warnings of a coming ice age pounced
on Hansen's statement and were now filling the public with warnings
of the opposite threat and familiar claims that something must be
done “before it's too late.”
The scientific
community was less impressionable than the public. At the fall
meeting of the American Geophysical Union a few months after Hansen's
testimony, only a single scientist could be found who thought the
greenhouse effect had begun. Jerome Namias, who spent 30 years with
the National Weather Service before moving to the Scripps Institution
of Oceanography, said other factors explain recent weather “quite
adequately without the greenhouse effect.” William Sprigg, Director
of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration , said, “The
case has not been made that greenhouse gases explain what we see.”
Andrew R. Solow of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution wrote in
December 1988, “Some will say that the scientific establishment
demands an unreasonable degree of certainty before accepting a new
idea. But in the case of climate change, and particularly with regard
to detecting change with existing data, it is not a question of
evidence being tenuous. It is a question of there being no
evidence at all.” (Italics added.) Yet the media in general
continued to discuss the greenhouse effect as though it represented a
widely-held scientific opinion, if not an incontrovertible fact.
Then came the
1995 report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. It
brought dramatic change in the public's acceptance of global warming.
The report had two parts: one was the long text of the
research by scientists; the other, the “Summary For Public
Officials”—which is the only part most people ever read—was
written by persons who received political appointments. They were not
politicians but
public servants who were taking orders from the governments that
signed the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change. The
Summary was supposed to be based on the research—but it was written
before the research was done. And the research was then
“adjusted” to fit the summary, rather than the other way around.
Here is a description of the process by climatologist Vincent Gray,
Ph.D., who is the only person to have been involved in all the
publications of the IPCC since its inception.
Environmental Movement is an anti-science pseudo religion which
believes that humans are destroying 'The Planet.'... In the
1980s a group of rogue scientists, who supported this dogma,
suggested that the public and governments would accept it more
readily if it was a 'settled' opinion of a sufficiently large
group of scientists. They invented a new pseudo-scientific model of
the climate which ignored the scientific understanding of the climate
built up by generations of meteorologists. It claimed that climate is
controlled by human–related emissions of carbon dioxide and other
minor greenhouse gases.
“They persuaded the
World Meteorological Association and their own United Nations
Environment Programme to set up the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change to gather together scientific material to support this
project in preparation for the Rio Earth Summit in 1991 which
launched the deception....
“The IPCC has now
issued five major Reports. These have been amazingly successful in
persuading governments all over the world that they can prevent what
is alleged to control “global warming” by reducing emissions of
carbon dioxide and other minor greenhouse gases. The main mechanism
for ensuring uniformity of thought is applied by the presence in all
of the IPCC Reports of a “Summary for Policymakers” at the
beginning. This is really a Summary BY Policymakers, because
it is dictated, line by line by the government representatives who
control the IPCC to a group of reliable 'Drafting Authors.'
Chapters of each Report are arranged in such a way as to promote the
idea of climate change caused by greenhouse gas increases. Actual
climate observations are either obscured, or 'smoothed,' 'filtered',
'linearized', 'interpolated', with 'outliers' eliminated, in order to
try and find 'trends' which can be fitted into the mould decided for
When the final
version of the 1995 IPCC Report did not agree with the Summary, Ben
Santer, whom the IPCC had appointed as the lead author of the report,
was given the task of altering the full report to coincide with the
Summary. After
the printed report appeared in May 1996, the scientific reviewers
were shocked to discover that major changes had been made after they
had signed off on the science chapter's contents. Santer's changes
had reversed the 'climate science' of the whole IPCC report! Here are
examples of some of his changes:
as a whole, these results indicate that the
in mean
temperature over
the past 100 years is unlikely
to be entirely natural in origin."
is a sentence he deleted: “None
of the studies cited above has shown clear evidence that we can
attribute the observed changes to the specific cause of increases in
greenhouse gases."
is a sentence he added: “The
body of statistical evidence in Chapter 8, when examined in the
context of our physical understanding of the climate system, now
points toward a discernible human influence on global climate.”
Here's another
he deleted: “no study to date has positively attributed all
or part [of the climate change observed] to [man-made] causes.”
And another he added: "The
Majority of these studies show that the observed changes in
global-mean, annually-averaged temperature over the last century is
[sic] unlikely to be due entirely to natural fluctuations of the
climate system."
There is plenty
of other evidence that CO2 is trivial to climate change. Water vapor
is by far the most important greenhouse gas, providing 96 to 98% of
any greenhouse effect. CO2 is a weak greenhouse gas and comprises
only 0.04% of the atmosphere—and 97% of CO2 is produced by nature,
not mankind. Volcanoes, swamps, rice paddies, fallen leaves,
even insects and bacteria produce CO2 as well as methane,
another greenhouse gas. Termites alone emit far more CO2 than
all the factories and automobiles in the world (See Science
Nov. 5, 1982.) Natural wetlands emit more greenhouse
gases than all human activities combined. If we could eliminate not
only all human use of fossil fuels but all natural sources of
greenhouse gases as well, 96% of any greenhouse effect would still
remain, because of water vapor.
Carbon dioxide
produces only tiny changes in atmospheric temperature; however, all
computer models projecting “runaway” global warming
are based on the small
warming from CO2 being amplified by water vapor. But such an
amplification has never occurred even with much higher levels of CO2.
At the time of the dinosaurs, the carbon dioxide content of the
atmosphere was 3 to 5 times what it is today, but there was no
runaway global warming. During the Ordovician period, the level of
CO2 in the atmosphere was 12 times what it is today, but the earth
was in an Ice Age. If a theory contradicts reality, the theory must
be wrong.
During the
Permian and the first half of the Triassic period, 250-320 million
years ago, carbon dioxide concentration was half what it is today but
the temperature was 10ºC higher. From the Cretaceous to the Eocene
35 to 100 million years ago, a high temperature went with declining
carbon dioxide. The theory that atmospheric carbon dioxide
concentration is determining the earth's temperature is therefore
The key to the
earth's climate is the sun, not CO2. Mars, Neptune, Jupiter, Saturn
and even distant Pluto are all experiencing global warming. Is the
sun warming them while our warming is due to CO2?
sun's radiation is varied by 'sunspot cycles.' Magnetic fields rip
through the sun's surface, producing violent disturbances and changes
in the 'solar wind,' the stream of charged particles emanating from
the sun. The solar wind, by modulating the galactic cosmic rays which
reach the earth, determines both the formation of clouds and the
carbon dioxide level in the earth's atmosphere. Sunspot
cycles cause only slight changes in the sun's radiation, but these
changes are amplified many fold by interaction 1) with ozone in the
upper stratosphere, and 2) with clouds in the lower troposphere.
Clouds have a hundred times greater impact on climate and temperature
than CO2..
the solar wind is strong and cosmic rays are weak, the global cloud
cover shrinks. It expands when cosmic rays are strong because the
solar wind is weak. Or, as scientist Zbigniew
Jaworowski put it, rather poetically, “the
sun opens and closes a climate-controlling umbrella of clouds over
our heads.”
Here is a chart
showing a strong correlation between earth temperatures and the sun's
magnetic cycle, which is a proxy for its variations in brightness
(irradiance). You will not find a chart anywhere showing such
correlation between earth temperature and carbon dioxide.
Figure 1
U.S. Historical Climatology Network (USHCN) provides actual
temperature measurements, i.e. “raw” data. James Hansen, head of
NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies(GISS), took USHCN data and
applied secret adjustments. USHCN reported a temperature decline
nearly one-half degree Celsius during the twentieth century, while
GISS reported an increase
one-half a degree. Hansen refused to explain how and why he made
these adjustments. His secrecy raises an ethical and perhaps legal question of whether the
head of an agency federally funded by U.S. taxpayers can refuse to
disclose how those funds are spent. It also raises the question of
whether the adjustments are legitimate or merely deliberate
manipulations contrived to produce a desired result.
is a far larger and more serious distortion in the global temperature
data than falsifying the reports from the individual measuring
stations. Temperature
records throughout the world have been falsified by manipulating the
locations of the reporting stations. Beginning about 1990,
higher-altitude, higher-latitude, and rural stations were removed
from the network in order to create a false warming trend. The global
temperature record that used to be based on 6,000 reporting stations
now is based on fewer than 1,500. The thoroughly-researched 106-page
report by Joseph D'Aleo and Anthony Watts documents the effect with
this graph:
Figure 2
The rise in global temperature correlates with eliminating data from weather stations likely to show global cooling
The rise in global temperature correlates with eliminating data from weather stations likely to show global cooling
many cases the stations are still reporting, but their data are no
longer utilized. Often the stations have been replaced by others more
likely to show warming from lower elevations, lower latitudes, or
urban development. Here
are some examples from the D'Aleo/Watts report:
the cold countries of Russia and Canada, the rural stations in the
Polar Regions were thinned out leaving behind the lower latitude more
urban stations. The data from the remaining cities were used to
estimate the temperatures to the north. As a result the computed new
averages were higher than the averages when the cold stations were
part of the monthly/yearly assessment.
Canada, the number of stations dropped from 600 to less than 50. The
percentage of stations in the lower elevations (below 300 feet)
tripled and those at the higher elevations above 3,000 feet were
reduced by half. [The] depicted warmth comes from interpolating from
more southerly locations to fill northerly vacant grid boxes, even as
a simple average of the available stations shows an apparent cooling.
Canada reports that there are 1400 weather stations in Canada, many
reporting even hourly readings that are readily available on the
internet but not included in the global data base. Canada has 100
stations north of the Arctic Circle, but NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] uses just one.
Russian station count dropped from 476 to 121 so over 40 percent of
Russian territory was not included in global temperature
calculations....The Russians found that the 121 sites used gave
mostly warmer reports than the 355 unused sites. In some cases
stations records going back into the 19th Century were ignored in
favor of stations with less data but which pointed to warming. The
IEA [Institute for Economic Analysis] team stated, 'Only one tenth of
meteorological sites with complete temperature series are used.'
Europe higher mountain stations were dropped and thermometers were
marched toward the Mediterranean, lower elevations, and more cities.
The station dropout was almost 65 percent for Europe as a whole...
mountain stations of the [U.S.] west are gone. In California the only
remaining stations are in San Francisco, Santa Maria, Los Angeles and
San Diego.
recently as 1988, temperature records for China came from over 400
stations. In 1990, only 35.
raw temperature data show no trend in temperatures in Northern
Australia in 125 years. The IPCC, however, uses 'adjusted' data."
The D'Aleo/Watts report says, “We have five different records
covering Darwin from 1941 on. They all agree almost exactly. Why
adjust them at all? NOAA added a huge, artificial, imaginary trend to
the most recent half of the raw data.” The raw temperatures in
Darwin were falling at 0.7 C. per century. After the NOAA adjustment,
the temperatures were rising 1.2 C per century.”
Neither falsifying the temperature
records nor moving the locations of the thermometers will have any
effect on global warming. They will have political effects, but
political regulations won't affect CO2 worldwide in any meaningful
way because 97% if the earth's CO2 emissions are produced by nature.
The equatorial Pacific ocean alone produces 72% of the planet's
emissions of it; human emissions are miniscule, as the “one match”
answer to the question beginning this article demonstrates. And
millions of years of geologic evidence prove that the greenhouse
effect does not drive climate change. So hundred of billions of
dollars have been spent pursuing an environmental policy that is
unattainable (and would be detrimental if attainable)—unless you
believe the money was well spent for political regulation for another
2010 a leading member of the United Nation's IPCC said, “One has to
free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is
environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with
environmental policy anymore.” Now it's not about saving the
environment but about redistributing wealth, said Ottmar Edenhofer,
a co-chair of the IPCC's Working Group III and a lead author of the
IPCC's Fourth Assessment Report (2007). “We redistribute the
world's wealth by climate policy.”
Business Daily reported:
countries have basically expropriated the atmosphere of the world
community" said Edenhofer,” and so they must have their wealth
expropriated and redistributed to the victims of their alleged
crimes. U.N. warm-mongers are seeking to impose a global climate
reparations tax on everything from airline flights and international
shipping to fuel and financial transactions....
told a German news outlet (NZZ AM Sonntag
) that the climate summit in Cancun was “not a climate conference
but one of the largest economic conferences since the Second World
War.” The Cancun agreement set up a “Green Climate Fund” to
administer assistance to poor nations suffering from floods and
drought due to global warming. The European Union, Japan and the
United States have led pledges of $100 billion per year for poor
nations up to 2020, plus $30 billion in immediate assistance.
matter if the science is all phony, there are collateral
environmental benefits....Climate change [provides] the greatest
chance to bring about justice and equality in the world.”—Christine
Stewart, Canada's Minister of the Environment, 1997- 1999.
got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global
warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic policy and environmental policy.”—Tim Wirth, former U.S.
Undersecretary of State for Global Affairs and the man most
responsible for setting up the Kyoto Treaty.
only pretends to deal with environmental protection. Behind their
people and nature friendly terminology, the adherents of
environmentalism make ambitious attempts to radically reorganize and
change the world, human society, our behavior and our values....They
consider us dangerous and sinful creatures who must be controlled by
them. I used to live in a similar world called communism. And I know
it led to the worst environmental damage the world has ever
followers of the environmentalist ideology, however, keep presenting
us with various catastrophic scenarios with the intention of
persuading us to implement their ideas....Their recommendations would
take us back to an era of statism and restricted freedom....The
ideology will be different. Its essence will, nevertheless, be
identical—the attractive, pathetic, at first sight noble idea that
transcends the individual in the name of the common good, and the
enormous self-confidence on the side of the proponents about their
right to sacrifice the man and his freedom in order to make this idea
reality.... It is not about climatology. It is about freedom.”—Vaclav
Klaus, former president of the Czech Republic.(link
Beisner, Ph.D., is a scientist who attended the Copenhagen climate
conference and reported a very different experience than was conveyed
to the American people by their news media. In the Cornwall
Alliance Newsletter January 2010, he wrote:“We
were a small group (about 30 or 40 of us) in the midst of a roiling
sea of protesters (almost all on the 'other side'), probably twenty
thousand or so, in downtown Copenhagen, waving signs, shouting
slogans, etc. The biggest groups seemed to be the Communist Party
(yes, their signs said that), the International Socialist Youth
Movement, the Radical Climate Activists, and Greenpeace.” When
speaker Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez spoke, the crowd applauded
vigorously when he said, there was a “silent and terrible ghost in
the room--'capitalism.'” But when he said “socialism, the other
ghost that is probably wandering around this room, that's the way to
save the planet, capitalism is the road to hell...Let's fight against
capitalism and make it obey us; the crowd of official delegates gave
him a standing ovation.”
June 23, 2008, exactly twenty years to the day from his momentous
unsupported Senate testimony that he was 99% sure global
warming was occurring, James Hansen appeared before the House Select
Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming. There he
conjured up images of the Nuremberg trials of Nazi war criminals by
claiming the CEOs of fossil fuel energy companies “should be tried
for high crimes against humanity and nature.” See
2010 to 2016,
the top UN climate change official. She was the
Executive Secretary of UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.
She openly stated in
2015 that the goal was to overturn capitalism — in her words, “to
change the economic development model that has been reigning for at
least 150 years, since the industrial revolution.”
Regarding James Hansen's bit about 'CEOs of fossil fuel energy companies should be tried for high crimes against humanity', consider how critical that notion is when it comes to keeping the global warming issue alive.
ReplyDeleteAl Gore spent over 3/4s of his 2006 movie establishing that the science of man-caused global warming is 'settled,' and spent nearly all of the remainder on what we should do to stop global warming. Skeptic climate scientists dispute all of this in massive detail, but Gore used one of the most effective propaganda tricks there is to steer the public away from this otherwise fatal problem: near the one hour 13 minute part of his movie, he basically compared those skeptics to tobacco industry shill experts, using back-to-back phrases spelled out full screen in red letters from leaked fossil fuel industry and tobacco industry memos.
Lost among all the discussions of science is the situation where Gore and his pals prayed to high heaven that nobody would check the veracity of his accusation against skeptic climate scientists via the leaked memo fragment he showed. Why the prayer effort? Because when anyone deeply examines ANY facet of that accusation, starting with the strange fragment memo phrase in Gore's movie, "reposition global warming as theory rather than fact," they ultimately discover the whole accusation falls apart. Please see: "An Accusation Built on a Foundation of Sand" and then branch out from there. There is not one facet of the accusation and the people surrounding it that lines up right.